I am developing a neo4j plugin. So currently I am writing a neo4j procedure which calls a helper function ( present in a helper class ). A simplified snippet of the helper function is given below:
public Result runQuery(String query, Transaction tx)...
I want to run two independent queries in the same query. First I want to create nodes using the nodesData object and then I want to create some relationships using edgesData. Running the two queries one by one gives expected result but combining them...
Here's the code I want to run:
with x,y,sourceNode,targetNode,r
CALL apoc.do.case([
x is not null and y is not null, 'CREATE (x)-[rels:ARC]->(y) SET rels = r',
x is not null and y is null, 'CREATE (x)-[rels:ARC]->(targetNode) SET rels = r',
x i...
I have two separate graphs in a Neo4j instance. These two graphs have some identical nodes and relationships. I wish to take the union of these two graphs such that it merges into a single graph with unique nodes and relationships ( initially each gr...
Thanks for the reply @tard.gabriel. You were right! There were no rows in the WITH value clause. I modified the code to return the relationship r so that value is not empty. This solved the issue. Thanks again.