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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Neo4j Connection to rdbms

Hi, I am a newbie to neo4j and recently started working on it. Can someone please help me understand if neo4j can connect to data present in other rdbms system or data lake without bringing the data into neo4j database and whenever there is graph bui...

WITH * causes Cypher query to short circuit

I have a (relatively) nontrivial cypher query, but I have reduced it down to a small example that still breaks: CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("MyIndexName", "'My Search Phrase'~0.8") YIELD node WITH *, collect(node) as nodes RETURN nodes The pro...

alex3 by Node Clone
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Multi-tenancy and user-defined stored procedures

We have used neo4j for some years in embedded mode. We are now attracted by the idea of multi-tenancy, and would like to make extensive use of custom stored procedures to migrate our considerable java code from neo4j embedded to be able to be used in...

routen by Node
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Resolved! Is pattern matching in neo4j exact or appoximate?

If we define a pattern as a cypher query and run it against a large neo4j database (with many million nodes), will it necessarily return all matching results or not? I.e., does neo4j use approximation algorithms to reduce the time complexity of execu...

Function to know the root or child nodes

Dear, thanks for this amazing community, I was looking for a function to be used in cypher to get the node children or node parent, how to achieve this in cypher or apoc noting that I have node property or label only Thanks and regards

Neo4j Browser wouldn't load

Hi, I haven't started Neo4j Desktop for some time, the last time is on Jun,16th. Then when I try to start Noe4j browser on Neo4j desktop, it just keeps no response, the Neo4j browser is not opened. I can start the server instance, just can't start...

Jean by Node Link
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Constraint Validation in Neo4j

Warm Greetings to All! I am trying to create two different graphs in Neo4j belonging to 2 different domains, say, one for a Retail Store and other for a Bank. There are many entities which are common across two domains like Customer etc but i would l...

OmShanti by Node Clone
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Create index in the background

Hello there! In Neo4j 4.3 index on relationship was introduced. So I created it and run multiple queries to test if performance improved, and, unfortunately, I don't see any improvement. In the documentation I found next line: "Note that the index is...

Resolved! Help on querying

Hi All How can I query this? with subqueries? I'm trying this MATCH (o:Order)-[cont:CONTAINS]->(p:Product)-[r:PART_OF]->(c:Category) where EXISTS { (MATCH (:Supplier)-[:SUPPLIES]->(p))} RETURN p.productName,cont.unitPrice; But I get an error. Kind R...


Hiding NeoVis.js Password

Hi All, I have been using NeoVis.js for visualizing Neo4J data in my application which is browser-based. NeoVis.js implementation requires us to hardcode the password for Noe4J in order for the visualization to work. But if we deploy this code to pro...