I have a huge amount of text data in my db. Therefore when i need to calculate the bigrams and trigrams of those texts it happens to be very expensive as you can imagine. So I am looking for a way to import all the n-grams in the nodes, then group th...
In raw format, i have a query like the following:
CALL gds.graph.create.cypher(
'MATCH (p:Post)-[:ACCOUNT_POST]->(a:Account) WHERE p.CreatedAt>="{start_date}" and p.CreatedAt<"{end_date}" RETURN distinct id(a) as id',
I have a node called (:Post) with a property called 'CreatedAt'.
The CreatedAt propery has a time value such as "2021-01-01T08:00:00Z".
What I want to do is to get the node counts between 10 minutes periods in all database.
I was able to find the sol...