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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Unable to Connect to/Test Free AuraDB Server URI

Howdy, I have a FREE AuraDB server I am trying to test the connection string of in a couple of different ways. Neither are working. 1. Postman Using Post > neo4j+s:// Auth > Basic > uname | pword Body > { "statements": [{ "s...

kave by Node Clone
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apoc.load.JDBC with Aura

Hi dear community Is there anyway or alternative to use apoc.load.JDBC with bigquery in Aura? Or to reproduce the same idea, sucking data from bigquery into Neo4j in Aura. Thanks

Migrate/Upgrade from 3.4.7

I'm returning to a Neo4j project after a couple of years. I am running Community Edition 3.4.7 on MacOS and want to get to the latest version, while updating & preserving my databases. I understand I will need to do several steps of Migrate and Upgra...


Resolved! Don't fully understand what MATCH (x)--(y)-->(z) yields

I'm using a database from a particular Udemy course. When I run MATCH (x)--(y)-->(z) RETURN x, y, z LIMIT 2 I get and when I run MATCH (x)--(y)-->(z) RETURN x, y, z LIMIT 3 (2 -> 3) I get As I see it, there are already three, non-repeat instances o...

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griffith by Node Link
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Change Data Capture SQL to Neo4j

Hi. In my project I have PostgreSQL database as main DB and I need to keep synchronized my neo4j DB. To do so I wan to use Debezium for CDC, kafka and neo4j streams plugin. One of the reasons I prefer Debezium to jdbc is because it's real time. So at...

Resolved! GraphSAGE for heterogenous graph

Hi everyone. I have tried to use node embeddings as suggested but i wonder is it possible to do node embeddings with this much of different node labels and relationships? I tried to use GraphSAGE but I kept getting error, which is Is this because I...

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Creating a subgraph using Cypher projection

I am trying to create a subgraph of my graph using Cypher projection. First, I am creating a subgraph using Cypher query which works perfectly fine. The query is this: // Filter for only recurrent events WITH [path=(m:IDHcodel)--(n:Tissue) WHERE (m.n...

kasthuri by Node Clone
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Example edgelist csv to remote db

I'm new to this community. I have edgelists consisting of source node, source node property1, source node property 2, target node, target node property 1, edge weight (float). The list is about 7K # of rows (aka edges). Examples of loading a CSVs on...

sa_jr by Node
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