I am running the random walk algorithm on my graph with just 4 nodes and 8 edges as a test. When I don't specify the sourceNodes parameter, everything is fine and I get walks from all the nodes. Here is my code:
CALL gds.beta.randomWalk.stream(
I am running the random walk algorithm on my Neo4j graph named 'example', with the minimum allowed walk length (2) and walks per node (1). Namely,
CALL gds.beta.randomWalk.stream(
walkLength: 2,
walksPerNode: 1,
I am trying to create a subgraph of my graph using Cypher projection. First, I am creating a subgraph using Cypher query which works perfectly fine. The query is this:
// Filter for only recurrent events
WITH [path=(m:IDHcodel)--(n:Tissue)
WHERE (m.n...
I am constructing a graph in Neo4j like this. First, I create the nodes with an array property. Then I check if any two nodes have common elements between the arrays (using apoc intersection call) and if so I create a relationship between the nodes.
I have a bunch of nodes with unique_patients property as a list. I want to connect any two nodes through a relationship based on the non-empty intersection of this property. So far, my attempt in getting the number of intersections is as follows -
Ok, I got the solution from Stack Overflow. It's a different syntax for obtaining the source and target nodes in the gds.graph.create. Here is a solution and it works.
// All the lines in obtaining subgraph except using WITH instead of RETRUN in the ...
@Joel again, thanks. Yes, I am creating relationships and their properties dynamically through apoc. What I am looking for is preserving an association between two properties without introducing any pseudo node or relationship.