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What would be the correct algorithm to solve our problem in Neo4j?

Our problem:

Given a one start point (node) or more (nodes) we want to create a directed tree (hierarchical) graph in Neo4j . We have the restriction that all directions are always one-way. Further we know what nodes are connected, but we don't know the end nodes.

We are looking for an algorithm which can find inside graph in a way that given the start point all end points can be reached.


Try something like this to get the end nodes from a starting node:

match p = (m)-[:REL]-()
with m, size (collect(p)) as noOfRelationships
where noOfRelationships = 1
return m as endNodes

You could probably also use breadth first search, depth first search, or - if you wanted to be fancy - single source shortest path - Dijkstra Single-Source - Neo4j Graph Data Science