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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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How to split query result

Hi, When I run the querry like MATCH (a) RETURN a the result (all node properties) is in one column/string. I know that I can write RETURN a.prop1, a.prop2,.... to have properties in each column. But I look for a universal solution like if I do not k...

Neo4j auto upgradation

We have deployed Neo4j- community(4.1.1) version on Amazon Linux 2 AMI. So the issue arises whenever our docker daemon is down, in order to run our other projects whenever we restart the docker daemon service, Neo4j automatically gets updated to vers...

The Sandbox window is inactive

Hi, I'm a beginner in Neo4j and started Graphacademy course. I run sandbox movie database but can't move further because the Sandbox window is inactive.

Resolved! Getting a warning when using collect

Hi, I'm relatively new to Cypher, I'm getting a warning when using collect in the return statement of the following query. MATCH (user:User)-[:HAS]->(session:Session), (user)-[:HAS]->(doc:Doc) WHERE id(user) = 61 WITH id(session) ...

Neo4j Rest API datetime data types

I am using neo4j REST API to create nodes and relationships. I refer following documentation. Neo4j Graph Database Platform Using the HTTP API - HTTP API Actions that can be performed using the Cypher transaction HTT...

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Use Person Similarity algorithm

Error by using Pearson Similarity algorithm. Indicates 3 arguments, but there are 2 ('params' and 'rel.weight') MATCH(knop:Compound{prep:'Control'})-[rel:HAS]->(params) WITH knop, gds.alpha.similarity.asVector(params, rel.weight) AS cVector MATCH(p1h...

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iganea9 by Node Link
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Storing graph path for exact pattern match

I'm newbie to graphdb. i'm planning to use graph path as pattern for incident analysis. I want to store graph path in db so that I can do pattern matching by generate graph path for a specific incident analysis. is graph db suitable for this use c...

Resolved! How to properly update depreciated query?

I have a query that does what I want. Yet, it runs with warnings, but when I'm trying to adjust it to the new syntax, it doesn't work (the result is different). Why? What am I doing wrong? Depreciated query match (g:Id {start_marker: 1})-[MINST*]->(...

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How to connect Aura in a protected way

Is it possible to put Aura "behind a firewall?" We have a backend infrastructure in AWS, and we would like to use Aura in a protected way. Is it possible to harden network security of Aura somehow. As far as I know it is not possible to provision an ...

szenyo by Node Clone
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Unable to add properties to nodes

Hello, I have trouble adding properties to nodes. I'm currently working with this tutorial: Create a graph database in Neo4j using Python | by CJ Sullivan | Towards Data Science but as I am completely new to Neo4j, I do not know how to add properties...