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Beta Opportunity for Neo4j Workspace

Introducing Neo4j Workspace We’re inviting you to check out Neo4j Workspace. Workspace combines our most powerful graph tools (Data Importer, Bloom, and Browser) all in one place to help you get up and running with graph databases faster. For experie...

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TrevorS by Community Team
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About the Neo4j Graph Platform Category

The Neo4j Graph Platform includes the core database and all the technologies surrounding the database, making it useful and accessible for a lot of different users. When asking a question, please select a descriptive label that best matches your quer...

yolande by Community Team
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Submit query and pick up the results later?

I have long running queries which create/change a lot of nodes and relationships and take they usually take a few minutes to complete. I run these queries from a serverless function on AWS Lambda, so I'm charged on the execution time and also limited...

chrszrkl by Node Clone
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Showing node / relationship properties on the map

Hi, is there an way for showing node / relationship properties on the map ? At the moment the properties will be shown only in tooltip. Of course not all the propertioes, only some (selected) of them. Thanks, Michel

Michel by Node Clone
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Using Node property vs Node & Relationship

Hi All , I know this topic that already discussed but i could not come with final conclusion from all the discussions i saw. My use case : I have a knowledge base graph with User Nodes & Details Nodes ( name , address, ip etc..) on each relation i h...

Resolved! Importing relationship properties

Hi, how to import relationship properties (Relationships - Neo4j GraphQL Library) from Excel ? In the example the relationships has no properties: Neo4j Admin import - Operations Manual Thanks, Michel

Michel by Node Clone
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Urgent: How to Downgrade Bloom

Hi, How do you downgrade Bloom from version 2.2 back to version 2.1? There is a bug in 2.2 that throws up a warning error dialog box that I don't want to need to explain to a client. I have a demo scheduled. Note: I am at 2.2.1 The 2.2.1 fixed the ...

Data modeling of organization Data

Hey Everyone. I am building my first production project that is going to use Neo4j. I am trying to model the organization Data. Things I care about are: noticing a change in the data... For example, the employee performance score, or marital status c...

shahar by Node Link
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Movie Graph Error

I am not able to create the first code on the movie graph example. I get this error: Node(0) already exists with label Movie and property title = 'The Matrix'

rally by Node
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How and if implement ISA relationship in neo4j

I have an UML diagram that describe a classification tree with a three level hierarchy of classes: Just imagine A, B and C where Ais the top level class and B IS_A A and C IS_A B. Each class has it's own properties and the classes at the lower level ...

Random walk runs forever with sourceNodes parameter

I am running the random walk algorithm on my graph with just 4 nodes and 8 edges as a test. When I don't specify the sourceNodes parameter, everything is fine and I get walks from all the nodes. Here is my code: CALL 'exam...

kasthuri by Node Clone
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Possible bug when running an heavy Query

Running community Edition 4.4.5 with browser 4.4.3, 64GB RAM, 32 allocated to Neo4j While running an heavy :auto LOAD CSV .... the browser lost the connection with the server. This the content of the .log file 2022-04-29 13:27:29.512+0000 INFO Start...

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Performance with DB growth?

I'm working with a DBMS which currently contains about 7M nodes and 12M relationships. The job which adds a day's data started out running about 17 minutes. It has indexes on all the major properties involved in MATCH and MERGE operations. Over a cou...