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Greetings from The Netherlands, I'm Bas

Hello, I'm Bas

I work as RPA engineer (Robotic Process Engineer) and I'm following a Software engineering bachelor next to my work. Recently I scratched the surface on Neo4J and Graph and it caught my interest.
I started with 2 courses on Udemy and plan to take the certification exam. Still learning a lot about graphs and neo4j

I hope in my turn to add value to this forum.


Hello @neo4j13 ,

Welcome to the Neo4j Community

We're glad to have you join us here. Could you explain a bit about the work of being a Robotic Process Engineer? Is that in a manufacturing context, like robots in an assembly line, or?


Sadly no, not with assembly lines or any physical.

It is software based automation. Most of the time it is collecting data in a program, website by scraping or with actual click and item recognition. Transform the data and send it somewhere else through databases, API's or entering it in another program.
Mainly repetitive tasks, this can be scanning bills from a manufacturer and process those or you are an HR employee who has to type over forms.
I develop a process to this automatically so the HR employee can spend his/her time in a better way to add more value.

This is in a nutshell what I do 🙂

Ah, I get it now. Thanks for explaining!

Hope your learning with Neo4j goes well. Let us know if you need any help along the way.


Jeg ville gerne se en datamodel for det arbejde du laver. Skal vi lave et video møde?

Nodes 2022
NODES 2022, Neo4j Online Education Summit

All the sessions of the conference are now available online