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Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer

I'm new to the community so "Hi" 🙂.  Been using Neo4j for about 18 months but wanted some proper training HOWEVER...

I'm struggling with the challenge "Importing CSV files with the Neo4j Data Importer" in the "Importing CSV Data into Neo4j" Graph Academy course. 

I've repeated the steps about 5 times but keep failing the verification step

I get the correct number of nodes and relationships.

The hint is essentially saying  "try again".  But I'm stuck now and unable to proceed with the training.  there's no information I can use to debug.  I've probably done something wrong that is trivial but cannot find a way in to establish the cause of the verification I'm asking for help please.

Below are the results of the last import I did if that helps



Import completed without errors

Total time: 00:00:08

Person persons.csv

Time Taken File Size File Rows Nodes Created Properties Set Labels Added Query Count Query Time
00:00:03 201.3 KiB 444 444 3,994 444 1 00:00:02

Movie movies.csv
Time Taken File Size File Rows Nodes Created Properties Set Labels Added Query Count Query Time
00:00:01 33.7 KiB 93 93 1,507 93 1 00:00:00

User ratings.csv
Time Taken File Size File Rows Nodes Created Properties Set Labels Added Query Count Query Time
00:00:00 123.8 KiB 3,594 560 1,120 560 1 00:00:00

DIRECTED directed.csv
Time Taken File Size File Rows Relationships Created Properties Set Query Count Query Time
00:00:00 868 B 99 99 0 1 00:00:00

ACTED_IN acted_in.csv
Time Taken File Size File Rows Relationships Created Properties Set Query Count Query Time
00:00:00 8.0 KiB 372 372 372 1 00:00:00

RATED ratings.csv
Time Taken File Size File Rows Relationships Created Properties Set Query Count Query Time
00:00:02 123.8 KiB 3,594 3,594 7,188 1 00:00:02



Hello @HangliderUK ,

Can you execute the following and cross-check that the names and types for node properties is correct?

CALL apoc.meta.nodeTypeProperties( )  YIELD nodeType, propertyName, propertyTypes

And execute this code to verify that the names and types of relationship properties is correct?

If you need to reset your graph to its pre-import state, you can execute:



CALL apoc.meta.relTypeProperties( ) yield relType, propertyName, propertyTypes