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Forum Posts

Sandbox seems does not work

Hello, When I type and submit my code the sandbox just turns empty. I don't see anything happen. Besides that, I tried to check DB, but an error prompt me, so I believe I couldn't submit my code at all. This is happening in all challenges. How can I ...

Exercise 16 - Can't load data using LOAD CSV

I'm using Neo4j Desktop for Windows. I've attempted to import data from, but I get the error: Couldn't load the external resource at: When I try to do it using ...

Neo4J and Java (how to return a list)

Hello, I am trying to modify the Java hello world example found here I changed the query to a query such as the one below (I tested that it works): MATCH (me:User{id:'220'})-[r:RATED]-(m)WITH me, avg(r.rating) AS av...

Data Importer throws Error

Course:Importing CSV Data into Neo4j Data Importer throws error when Run Import is clicked: An Error Occurred: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS. I am using in-course ...

paullsnr by Node Link
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Resolved! Correct answer not accepted in Snadbox

Hello, I'm currently enrolled in the Graph Data Modelling Fundamental course and I am having an issue with certain queries If I write  MATCH (u:User)-[:RATED]-(m:Movie)WHERE m.title="Apollo 13"RETURN count(*) AS "Number of reviewers") I get an error ...

Full Name not added in Certification

Dear Neo4j Certification team,I hope this is the right discussion thread to be posting this in, but i was wondering if my full name "Ryan Nazareth" could be included in my certification which i recently achieved