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Discussions about Graph Academy courses. Live classes meet on Discord channel #graphacademy
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Discussions about Graph Academy courses. Live classes meet on Discord channel #graphacademy
It seems like there are missing code snippets on the site I have tried multiple browsers but code snippets are not there in any of them. It is only some not all on the page seems like a bug. https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/app-java/2-interacti...
I believe the code is correct, but the system does not validate. I am stuck on this. Here is my code:``` MERGE (m:Movie {title: 'Rocketman'}) ON MATCH SET m.matchedAt=datetime() ON CREATE SET m.createdAt=datetime() SET m.updatedAt=timestamp() RETURN ...
During the training Introduction to Neo4j Graph Data Science and for the specific lessor https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/courses/gds-product-introduction/2-graph-management/4-cypher-projection/ getting error as "There is no procedure with the name `gd...
Hello, When I type and submit my code the sandbox just turns empty. I don't see anything happen. Besides that, I tried to check DB, but an error prompt me, so I believe I couldn't submit my code at all. This is happening in all challenges. How can I ...
Lessons: Adding language nodes, Adding Genre nodes, Specializing ACTED_IN and DIRECTED relationships, specializing RATED relationship, Adding a Node Role.even when I'm introducing on the sandbox the 'solution' suggested and I can see that the refacto...
I'm using Neo4j Desktop for Windows. I've attempted to import data from http://data.neo4j.com/intro-neo4j/actors.csv, but I get the error: Couldn't load the external resource at: http://data.neo4j.com/intro-neo4j/actors.csv When I try to do it using ...
I have a query which should run at a schedule time and send us the report on email
The sandbox has suddenly stopped working. I've already logged out and logged in again and it didn't work. Any suggestions to get it working again and prevent this from happening again? I use chrome browser.
Hi Neo4j community, I started the Cypher fundamental courses but the sandbox is not working. Are you experiencing the same issue? Can you help me? The log issue : #### BoltConnectionError No connection found, did you connect to Neo4j? I tried to log...
Hello, I am trying to modify the Java hello world example found here https://neo4j.com/developer/java/. I changed the query to a query such as the one below (I tested that it works): MATCH (me:User{id:'220'})-[r:RATED]-(m)WITH me, avg(r.rating) AS av...
Course:Importing CSV Data into Neo4j Data Importer throws error when Run Import is clicked: An Error Occurred: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS. I am using in-course ...
I am having issues setting up the project. Although I am using the Open JDK 17, there dependency installation fails. Anyone had such an experience? Just a snippet of the error messages to provide more context: Failures: [ERROR] _01_ConnectToNeo4jTest...
Hi, it seems like the Neo4j browser not working, as I don't get any result for my queries, I'm working on Sandbox side. any idea please ? regards, Jalil
Hello, I'm currently enrolled in the Graph Data Modelling Fundamental course and I am having an issue with certain queries If I write MATCH (u:User)-[:RATED]-(m:Movie)WHERE m.title="Apollo 13"RETURN count(*) AS "Number of reviewers") I get an error ...
Dear Neo4j Certification team,I hope this is the right discussion thread to be posting this in, but i was wondering if my full name "Ryan Nazareth" could be included in my certification which i recently achieved https://graphacademy.neo4j.com/u/554ba...
All the sessions of the conference are now available online