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Forum Posts

Resolved! Exercise 16.3 - Importing data from CSV

Answer given by the tutorial. LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS line MERGE (actor:Person {name:}) ON CREATE SET actor.born = toInteger(trim(line.birthYear)), actor.actorId = ON MATCH S...

Resolved! Optimising properties access

Hello there I was reading the optimising properties access chapter in the query tuning course and I wanted to double check something with you: If the first elapsed time is the time for the query to be executed and the second time is the one for the q...

Index selectivity

Hello there I'm struggling to understand the concept of index selectivity in the query tuning course. Why is that a value of 0 to 1 and where can we list every index selectivity.

Continuous Learning: Data Modeling Design Patterns

Later today, we're hosting a Continuous Learning session about data modeling. This series is an internal Neo4j program which we're opening up to community participation. To join in, meet us on Discord #open-space where we'll share dial-in information...

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abk by Neo4j
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Study Groups

Hello friends, As graph people, we've all realized that everything is better when connected together. That can be true of learning as well! Would anyone be interested in group study sessions, to take Graph Academy courses together? We're thinking abo...

abk by Neo4j
  • 14 replies
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Resolved! How to QUICKLY Get to my Aura Database

I created an Aura database to work through the examples in the training academy, but 'getting' to that database appears to require a Herculean effort. I first have to find some 'other' neo4j that has a hyperlink to the Aura console, then click that,...