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Study Groups

Hello friends,

As graph people, we've all realized that everything is better when connected together. That can be true of learning as well!

Would anyone be interested in group study sessions, to take Graph Academy courses together? We're thinking about organizing regular times to get together and go through a course.

Interested? Like or reply here.



Totally interested, i have take some but I'd like to take all

I've got some interest, depending on the time selected. Thanks!

Node Clone

I am interested. Depends on the time as well..

Cool, let's see if we can find a time next week. Here's a doodle for voting on timeslots, based on US east coast time. I'm in Sweden but any of these times could work for me.

Pick any times you like here: Doodle - Make meetings happen


Ok, I'm interested.

This sounds interesting. I have tried to do this by myself but i get confused about how to go about structuring what i should learn. Count me in.

Also i think we can connect and work on some ideas by the end of this.

Fantastic! We'll use that Doodle - Make meetings happen to pick a time next week. I'll act as sort of a TA for the group, facilitating the sessions and helping with everything up to but not including solutions. 🙂

<-- abk

It's official, we'll be having weekly Study Group sessions to take Graph Academy courses together. We'll start next Tuesday


We'll meet on Neo4j Discord in the #open-spaces channel to chat and set up a video call. Everyone is welcome!

ps. The weekly event is published on a public google calendar

Looking forward to the inaugural Study Group session tomorrow.

Join us to take Graph Academy courses together!


My favorite study groups were the classic gathering in a small room of a library to read, work and discuss together. Later today, we'll try to simulate our own library environment to learn about Neo4j together.

Here's the plan:

  • meet on Discord #open-space at 16:00 CET (calendar event above)
  • start a video call together
  • quick round of introductions
  • start a Graph Academy course
  • keep the voice and text chats open for questions and discussion as we go through the course

Today, I'm going to start the Querying with Cypher in Neo4j 4.x course.

You're welcome to join me in that course, or take another course. I'll be available to answer questions about anything and everything Neo4j related, up to but not including giving away answers to any quizzes. 🙂

See you later today!


Forgot one useful detail: most of the courses require a Neo4j development environment. Before joining, take the time to set up one of these:

  • Neo4j Desktop (free installation running locally)
  • Neo4j Sandbox (free databases, time limited to 3 days)
  • Neo4j Aura (various options, all worth checking out)


Starting in about in hour, our first Graph Academy study group.

See you on


Another study session coming tomorrow, Tuesday.

BTW if you'd like to join but the day-of-week or time-of-day isn't great for you, drop me a note. The current schedule is end of day for Europe, which is early in the morning for US west coast. We could probably have an end-of-day for US west coast if people are interested.


Nodes 2022
NODES 2022, Neo4j Online Education Summit

All the sessions of the conference are now available online