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11-23-2022 02:40 AM
I have installed a docker Neo4j server in a AWS ECS EC2 linux instance with the following guide
(The only difference is that my instance is a public instance and not private).
If I try the Neo4j connection with the localhost server it is ok,
but if I try a connection with the server IP it doesn't work:
from inside the docker container
cypher-shell -a bolt://localhost:7687 -u neo4j -p ******* ---> OK
cypher-shell -a neo4j://<ec2_private_ip>:7687 -u neo4j -p ******* --> KO connection refused
cypher-shell -a neo4j://<ec2_public_ip>:7687 -u neo4j -p ******* --> KO connection refused
I try a remote connection from my Neo4j Desktop application the connection is refused
In the Ne04j configuration file i have
Any suggestions is appreciate, thank you,
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