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Hosting a neo4j solution on the web

Node Link

Hello there... 

I happened to browse through a collection of chapters in a book that were a good candidate for a graph db (about the use of plants as medicines to common ailments) and i ended up writing a short NLP program in python before i could insert them into Neo4j. Now, for me to host it in a web app and share it with the world (of course i'll get the approvals from the content owner first) but given that this is content i wish to share with everyone (for no cost) what is the most economical way to host such an application? i did observe ways to create one using node.js or python flask etc. but where could i ideally host it so that graph db enthusiasts and others as well can benefit from the same? Kindly advise. 




Thanks much @david_allen .... nice suggestion ... didnt know such an option for serverless code existed. Huge thanks. Comes down to my own skill and ability to leverage this 🙂 The sample snippet is cool. Thanks once again.

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Two wonderful choices ... thanks @adam_cowley ... i read up this mail on Aura DB only last night incidentally and now realize the viability. And yes - between Python and Node.js am more tempted to go with node.js. So thanks for the Netlify suggestion as well. I dont think i should exceed the 200k nodes but it all depends on whether the book author is willing to open their content to the world. Thank you. 

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Hi @Propel when I'm looking to do similar things sometimes I use a free service called (Replit).  It provides a free way of hosting very simple code IDEs with many popular programming languages, (including python) and lets other people run, fork, comment and so on your work.  Might be something to check out.

For example, here's a recent python / Neo4j code snippet I did for GraphConnect that I hosted in this way so you can get a feel for how it operates.

Thanks much @david_allen .... nice suggestion ... didnt know such an option for serverless code existed. Huge thanks. Comes down to my own skill and ability to leverage this 🙂 The sample snippet is cool. Thanks once again.

Hey @Propel, good question.  The easiest way for you to save the database would be to create an AuraDB Free instance.  As long as you're under the 200k node and 400k relationship limits it will be free of charge forever.

If you like Node.js, I would personally recommend writing some Netlify functions.  Their free tier is pretty good and I've used it in the past for serving websites and APIs.  The Github integration is really cool as well. 

If you want to learn more about the Neo4j JavaScript Driver, there's a free course on Building Neo4j Applications with Node.js on GraphAcademy.

I hope that helps!

Two wonderful choices ... thanks @adam_cowley ... i read up this mail on Aura DB only last night incidentally and now realize the viability. And yes - between Python and Node.js am more tempted to go with node.js. So thanks for the Netlify suggestion as well. I dont think i should exceed the 200k nodes but it all depends on whether the book author is willing to open their content to the world. Thank you.