Neo4j has a number of courses to teach administrators how to use Neo4j.
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Neo4j has a number of courses to teach data scientists how to use Neo4j and the Neo4j Graph Data Science Library.
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As a beginner, we recommend that you first take our introductory course:
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Neo4j has a number of courses to teach you how to use Neo4j. Whether you are a developer, administrator, or data scientist, you will need to understand the basics of Neo4j and Cypher.
We have three learning paths that you can follow:
Neo4j’s primary product and focus is our graph database that stores data in the form of nodes and relationships.
It handles both transactional and/or analytics workloads and is optimized for traversing paths through the data using the relationships...
MATCH (n) RETURN count(n) will hit the count store rather than the graph itself so it should return instantly. I can see that the number is different there to your screenshot but the likelihood of a node having that internal ID is pretty high. Shal...
The command for running the Cypher statement is separate from the Run command in VS Code - the commands are Neo4j: Run Cypher Statement in a Read Transaction and Neo4j: Run Cypher Statement in a Write Transaction. As for the query itself (assuming t...
You should be able to copy and paste your code into the reply window and wrap it in backticks to format it correctly. I would like to understand what has happened in your case so I can make sure that others don't run into the same issue.
Hey @stauntonjr , what are you trying to do when you get that debugger message? There aren't any debugging features in the plugin at the moment.
You should see the active database in the bar at the bottom of the screen or an asterisk next to the con...