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09-12-2019 01:33 AM
I've been trying to install the newer OSM import plugin for neo4j. using the maven clean intstall (have tried using maven 3.6.1 and 3.6.1/ java jdk 11.0.3 and 12.0.1)running into a build error:
'The code being documented uses modules but the packages defined in http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/ are in the unnamed module.'
Not really neo4j but I'm not a Java developer. Anyone know how to fix this.?
Solved! Go to Solution.
09-25-2019 01:47 PM
Worked out the issue = need to change colon to semi colon in windows
This works java -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -cp "target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar;target/dependency/*" org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool --skip-duplicate-nodes --delete --into target/databases/map2 samples/map2.osm.bz2
09-12-2019 12:20 PM
Try it with java 8, that should work.
09-12-2019 10:19 PM
Thanks for that! That worked fine, using Java 8. However, I'm now trying to import an OSM file... trying to follow the instructions on Git..I take it I just run these through the windows command prompt with my path values for target database and source files replaced...it's not working falls over with first error ...Error: Could not find or load main class \ ??? have no idea how to proceed. Any direction would be most appreciated. Thanks.
09-12-2019 11:59 PM
Are there more details to the error message?
09-13-2019 12:44 AM
Hi,I've tried regigging the paths ; the last full error is:
Error: Could not find or load main class \
C:\Users\Kimmo\Development\Graph\Spatial\osm-master\osm-master> "target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar:target/dependency/" org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool
'"target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar:target/dependency/"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
C:\Users\Kimmo\Development\Graph\Spatial\osm-master\osm-master> into target/databases/map2 samples/map2.osm.bz2
09-14-2019 02:18 AM
What was the command line you ran.
09-15-2019 08:47 AM
exactly as is on git for the sample. looks like at the files etc are there:
java -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m \
-cp "target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar:target/dependency/*" org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool \
--skip-duplicate-nodes --delete --into target/databases/map2 samples/map2.osm.bz2
09-15-2019 11:35 PM
it worked perfectly fine for me
did you perhaps forget to build the project?
mvn clean installmvn clean install dependency:copy-dependencies
java -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m \
-cp "target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar:target/dependency/*" org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool \
--skip-duplicate-nodes --delete --into target/databases/map2 samples/map2.osm.bz2
Neo4j version: 3.5.1
Importing the contents of these OSM files into /Users/mh/d/java/neo/osm/target/databases/map2:
Available resources:
Total machine memory: 32.00 GB
Free machine memory: 688.47 MB
Max heap memory : 1.20 GB
Processors: 12
Configured max memory: 27.72 GB
High-IO: true
WARNING: 570.51 MB memory may not be sufficient to complete this import. Suggested memory distribution is:
heap size: 1.00 GB
minimum free and available memory excluding heap size: 1020.11 MBImport starting 2019-09-16 08:33:03.252+0200
Estimated number of nodes: 7.84 k
Estimated number of node properties: 8.00
Estimated number of relationships: 784.00
Estimated number of relationship properties: 1.00
Estimated disk space usage: 140.91 kB
Estimated required memory usage: 1020.11 MB
InteractiveReporterInteractions command list (end with ENTER):
c: Print more detailed information about current stage
i: Print more detailed information
(1/4) Node import 2019-09-16 08:33:03.330+0200
Estimated number of nodes: 7.84 k
Estimated disk space usage: 114.87 kB
Estimated required memory usage: 1020.11 MB
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% ∆1s 426ms
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 100% ∆1ms
(2/4) Relationship import 2019-09-16 08:33:06.491+0200
Estimated number of relationships: 784.00
Estimated disk space usage: 26.04 kB
Estimated required memory usage: 1.00 GB
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% ∆1s 712ms
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 100% ∆0ms
(3/4) Relationship linking 2019-09-16 08:33:08.733+0200
Estimated required memory usage: 1021.16 MB
-......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% ∆40ms
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 10% ∆0ms
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 100% ∆0ms
(4/4) Post processing 2019-09-16 08:33:09.049+0200
Estimated required memory usage: 1020.01 MB
-......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 5% ∆59ms
.......... .......... .......... .......... .......... 100% ∆0ms
IMPORT DONE in 6s 370ms.
110269 nodes
114052 relationships
460893 properties
Peak memory usage: 1.03 GB
There were bad entries which were skipped and logged into /Users/mh/d/java/neo/osm/target/databases/map2/bad.log
09-16-2019 10:39 PM
Hi again Michael.
Yeap i definitely built it after installing Java 8 - worked fine. There are 4 jar files in the target folder:
osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar (91KB)
osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.-javadoc.jar (149KB)
osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.-procedures.jar (92KB)
osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.-sources.jar (25KB)
Do these look right to you?
After the build , I did : mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
This built fine I think. Then the remaining code which is where the error is happening. Thanks
09-18-2019 09:46 PM
Oh if you are on windows?
Try to put everything in one command line and remove the \
09-19-2019 06:51 PM
Thanks for that but still not quite working. Yeap, I'm Windows 10 I put:
java -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -cp "target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar:target/dependency/*" org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool --skip-duplicate-nodes --delete --into target/databases/map2 samples/map2.osm.bz2
as one line. It now comes back with 'Error: Could not find or load main class org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool"
I can see the OSMImportTool.class file Probably some small other thing..I've tried to search for an answer but no luck to date..is there anything else I need to change?
09-25-2019 01:47 PM
Worked out the issue = need to change colon to semi colon in windows
This works java -Xms1280m -Xmx1280m -cp "target/osm-0.2.2-neo4j-3.5.1.jar;target/dependency/*" org.neo4j.gis.osm.OSMImportTool --skip-duplicate-nodes --delete --into target/databases/map2 samples/map2.osm.bz2
05-18-2020 07:39 AM
I have the same error.
In the /target folder I have the following 4 jars:
I see a OSMImportTool.class at osm/target/classes/org/neo4j/gis/osm/OSMImportTool.class
I am on Mac OS X.
Neither with ":" nor ";" nor "" nor on a single line does it work.
Any suggestions?
Edit: Today it worked. I had since restarted my computer, perhaps that did something? Anyways, I got another error, but as soon as I update Java that went away as well. (on Mac it works with ":". So ";" is not required there.
If anybody else has the problem, I'm sorry I don't know why it suddenly worked. Just make sure you're in the /osm root and use the osm-[version-you-have]-neo4j-[version-you-have] and it should work.
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