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Construct queries with condition

Graph Buddy

I am using spring data neo4j and i have a repository like this :

public interface MyNeo4jRepository extends Neo4jRepository<Object, Long> {

@Query("with ['X', 'Y','Z'] as list_labels, "
            + "$appsFilter as appsList\n "
            + "MATCH (apps:) where apps.n IN appsList "
            + "MATCH (a)<-[:event]-(nodes) "
            + "WHERE any(x IN labels(nodes) WHERE x IN list_labels) "
            + "CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(nodes, { "
            + "relationshipFilter: 'R1|R2>',"
            + "labelFilter: '-l1|>l2',"
            + "maxLevel: 6,"
            + "endNodes: [apps],"
            + "uniqueness: 'NODE_PATH'}) YIELD path "
            + "unwind nodes(path) as n  "

what i want is to create this query using conditions like this :

@Query("with ['X', 'Y','Z'] as list_labels, "
            + "$appsFilter as appsList\n "
            + "MATCH (apps:) where apps.n IN appsList "
            + "MATCH (a)<-[:event]-(nodes) "
            + "WHERE any(x IN labels(nodes) WHERE x IN list_labels) "
           if (condition) + "WHERE  ...." else + ""
            + "CALL apoc.path.expandConfig(nodes, { "

Thnak you


Graph Fellow

Hi @madiskou !

I dont think you can do something like that . You may need to create two different custom queries and handle them on your service layer. Or you can always use apoc.when and let the db itself handle the condition.

Yeah I know it's not what you expected tho


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