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08-19-2021 10:12 PM
My CREATE queries are not saving to the database.
I wrote some Python code using the official driver. I can step through the code and log the cypher, and even see the node returned to result has an id and a node in the debugger, but when I go to verify the nodes with MATCH in Neo4j Desktop, they're not there.
I tried to log the generated cypher, and when I paste the cypher from the log to Neo4j Desktop, they work - the nodes get created.
I can't for the life of me understand what I am doing wrong - I'm using code pasted from the offical docs. I tried with and without .consume()
and also tried the tx.write_transaction( ) method.
def create_some_node_with_related_node(self, name):
with self.driver.session() as session:
cypher = "MATCH (sn:SomeNode) " \
"WHERE sn.name=\"{name}\" " \
"CREATE (rn:RelatedNode{{propertyId:{property_id}, code:sn.code}})-[r:derivedFrom]->(sn) " \
"RETURN sn,r,rn".format(name=name, property_id=property_id)
neo.log(cypher, 101)
result = session.run(cypher)
single = result.single()
return single[0]
error = sys.exc_info()[0]
print('Error:', error)
return False
result is a <neo4j.work.summary.ResultSummary object at 0x7fc36de94d90>
and single is a <Node id=6257615 labels=frozenset({'RelatedNode'}) properties={'property_id': 8, 'code': 'X19235195'}>
But when I do MATCH(rn:RelatedNode) RETURN rn
in desktop after my script completes, there's nothing there.
Yet if I copy the generated cypher from my log, paste it into desktop and run it, it works fine, and the node & relationship are generated as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
08-19-2021 11:28 PM
Can you try to not use python formatting for the values but rather proper cypher parameters like $name
and pass them along when you execute?
I think something goes wrong there, btw. you can use triple quotes for your query string.
also where does your property_id come from?
08-19-2021 11:35 PM
works for me
from neo4j import GraphDatabase,basic_auth
driver = GraphDatabase.driver("bolt://localhost",auth=basic_auth("neo4j","test"))
def create_some_node_with_related_node(driver, name, property_id):
with driver.session() as session:
cypher = "MATCH (sn:SomeNode) " \
"WHERE sn.name=\"{name}\" " \
"CREATE (rn:RelatedNode{{propertyId:{property_id}, code:sn.code}})-[r:derivedFrom]->(sn) " \
"RETURN sn,r,rn".format(name=name, property_id=property_id)
result = session.run(cypher)
single = result.single()
return single[0]
error = sys.exc_info()[0]
print('Error:', error)
return False
with driver.session() as s:
res = s.run("MERGE (n:SomeNode {name:$name, code:'foo'}) RETURN id(n)",name="test").single()
with driver.session() as s:
for res in s.run("MATCH (r:RelatedNode) RETURN r"):
python3 test2.py
<Record id(n)=0>
<Record r=<Node id=1 labels=frozenset({'RelatedNode'}) properties={'propertyId': 42, 'code': 'foo'}>>
and cleaned up code
def create_some_node_with_related_node(driver, name, property_id):
with driver.session() as session:
cypher = """MATCH (sn:SomeNode)
WHERE sn.name=$name
CREATE (rn:RelatedNode {propertyId:$property_id, code:sn.code})-[r:derivedFrom]->(sn) " \
RETURN sn,r,rn"""
result = session.run(cypher, name=name, property_id=property_id)
single = result.single()
return single[0]
error = sys.exc_info()[0]
print('Error:', error)
return False
08-21-2021 11:19 AM
I discovered the reason for my issue - I was connecting to a DNS name pointing to a sticky load balancer, and my CREATE / MERGE queries were almost always getting routed to FOLLOWER nodes!
Once I replaced the connection string with the LEADER directly, everything worked fine.
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