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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Ignoring `null` values when querying

I am working on a map visualization where I query locations and plot them. However, some of the items to be mapped currently have some null values for longitude and latitude. I am aware that I will eventually have to correct those, but until then. Un...

Repo query method is slow

Hi devs, I am experiencing performance issues with a rather small dataset (few hundred thousand nodes). I have the following nodes: (NodeA)-[:ASSOCIATED_WITH]-(Association)-[:MARKER]-(Marker) @NodeEntity public class NodeA{ @GraphId Long id; priva...

Ogm.model Result automatically casts to Entity

Hi. I have a situation where a Person node relates to many other property nodes (rather than adding redundant properties directly to Person, e.g. CostCenter, Grade, Status, Role, etc.). All those node types have a name and uuid property, and I've wri...

Resolved! Rehydrating @RelationshipEntity without the rel 'id'

I want to use to update a @NodeEntity and its subgraph via @RelationshipEntity. I also have a situation where it is not convenient to have the ids of the @RelationshipEntity's on hand. If I do not have the @Id value set, it appears to ...

Jiropole by Graph Voyager
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Why this query doesn't work in bolt session?

result, err = session.Run("with $inputword as list match (p:Person) where in list return p.age as ages", map[string]interface{}{"inputword": "['name1', 'name2']"}) The query work well in web browser but not in Go program.

gigauser by Graph Buddy
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Compiling Seabolt on Arch Linux

As of v1.7.0-rc02 of Seabolt there seems to be an issue compiling on Arch Linux even after setting OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR. Not sure if this is an issue with Arch Linux being a rolling release distro and Arch is using an incompatible version of OpenSSL. If ...

Too slow Traverse

Hi all . . . The problem: It's a multiiple origin one destination problem. The origin node is "7" and the origin nodes are: 9,1 and 10. It has to return de numer of nodes into the diferent path between all the nodes (label:inicio) (Source) and the de...

In the result I get only one link for each point

Good afternoon, as a result of the execution of this query "MATCH (n: clients) - [r * 1..4] - (m) WHERE ID (n) = 73487 RETURN m, n, r LIMIT 1000" I get an array of 30 elements . In the neo4j browser, I get a normal graph, and the response to the code...

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Does Py2neov4 support Neo4j Graph Algorithms?

I assume that v4 is the latest version. Does py2neov4 support neo4j graph algorithms? if not, is it possible to run Cypher command through py2neo to use the graph algorithms? I am talking about these graph algorithms:

ODBC->Neo4j driver

Hi all, I'm looking for a way to connect a microsoft access application, with a already defined complex user interface and report, to a neo4j DB. Is there any drivers available or any approach tu pursue? Buying an Easysoft odbc-jdbc gateway is not an...

@CompositeIndex not working

Hi, I'm using @CompositeIndex for creating index on multiple attributes on a node. Please find the code and error below. Any help will be highly appreciated. Code: package com.test.neo4j.domain; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import lombok.Data; ...

Json object in a propery

Hello, I want to put a json object into a property and retrive it. Ex: i have a node with a property test:'[{"id":"string",tilte:"string"},{"id":"string",tilte:"string"}]' i want to deserialize this property ton an object with de neojclient driver bu...

Removing entries from @Properties maps in OGM

Hi, I can't seem to remove a an entry from a map property of a node. For instance if the node Test with id "testId" has a map with the mapping "1" to "2" the code below will not remove that entry. class Test { @Id String id; @Properties Map<Str...

Martin by Node Link
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