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03-20-2019 08:06 AM
just installed the newest (08-03-2019) Neo4j package through the command pip install neo4j
and I'm getting this error:
Unable to import 'neo4j'pylint(import-error)
I checked all the installed packages: ['astroid', 'certifi', 'chardet', 'colorama', 'googlemaps', 'idna', 'isort', 'lazy-object-proxy', 'mccabe', 'neo4j' , 'neobolt', 'neotime', 'pylint', 'pyodbc', 'pytz', 'requests', 'six', 'typed-ast', 'urllib3', 'wrapt']
I'm using Python version 3.6.8, in Visual Studio Code.
I changed the Visual Studio Code settings to get the right Python Path. Re-installed pylint, and same mistake. All other packages are OK.
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