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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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@RelationshipEntity: Rich relationships - Repository

Hi all, We need to createOrUpdate rich relationships over existing nodes. While using the repository for RelationshipEntitiy it executes CREATE statements if it has any property and creates duplicate relation if Id is null instead of using MERGE to a...

Cannot persist anything using SpringData Neo4j

I'm trying to convert an existing springboot backend that seeds a database with a bunch of relationships. I don't know where the issue is, but a driver instance is created, then it gets shut down with nothing persisted. Since i'm not sure where the p...

Spring Data findFirstByOrderBy NullPointerException

I attempted to implement as follows: Page<NetworkElement> findFirstByOrderByCaptureIdDesc(Pageable pageable); captureId is a column name, ie. member variable of NetworkElement. When I attempt to start the Spring Boot application I get: Caused by: or...

Resolved! Querying a Relationship in Spring Data Neo4j

Hello Guys, Recently started using Neo4j for my final year project, ran in to a little problem while doing so. I'm maintining a Beacon network where there is only one Node Entity and many relationships between them. I want to know that Am I doing thi...


Neo4j driver very-very slow, need help

Hello guys, I have a problem and I my feeling is that I am doing something wrong with Java Driver (org.neo4j.driver:neo4j-java-driver:1.4.4). Let me tell you about the architecture. Everything in AWS in one region. I have a Kinesis stream and Lambda ...

mikhail by Node Clone
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@Query with dynamic parameter not working

Hi, I am using @Query with dynamic parameter, @Query ("match(po:PurchaseOrder{po_id:{id}})<-[:linked_to]-(inv:Invoice) return po,inv") Map<PurchaseOrder, Invoice> getAllInvoicesByPOID(@Param("id") String id); I am getting following error, java.lang....

joydp_s by Node
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Resolved! @Convert into multiple attributes

Consider the following classes: @NodeEntity class MyClass { @Id @GeneratedValue Long iid; List<Attribute> attributes; } class Attribute { String name; String value; } In order to be able to store "attributes" in the node corresponding to the M...

Resolved! Does the driver know if a query is READ or WRITE?

I am using the official JS Neo4j driver with "bolt+routing" and I can see that you can queries using run, writeTransaction or readTransaction. My question is if there is any magic going on in the run method that lets the driver automatically discern ...

Neo4j Python Driver "Broken Pipe" issue

Hi, While trying to write some edges between nodes from Python code using neo4j driver, I am encountering broken pipe issue. The error message is given below. How can this be resolved: Sudipta Error Message: Connected to Neo4j Database Loading simil...

bhawmik by Node
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GraphQL Libraries

Is there any limitations of neo4j-graphql-java vs neo4j-graphql.js. When is neo4j-graphql-java planned to come out of beta? According to the docs the following features are not implemented neo4j-graphql-java but I am assuming the js version has all o...

Creating Relationships to Existing Nodes on Save

I'm trying to understand the canonical way to save relationships to existing nodes with Spring Data Neo4j and Spring Data REST. I have my domains model mapped out into entity classes and SDN repositories. I can successfully create a user or a campaig...

Using Merge Mutation

I want to use merge instead of create for making nodes. Since GraphQL does not make the merge statement for me, I am trying to make it myself. This is what I am tying. type Mutation { MergeLesson(id: ID!, name: String!, language: String!, dialect:...