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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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SDN6 & @Version

Hey y'all, It was suggested to us to change to SDN6 to be able to use dynamic filtering based on property names in the data layer. However we've come across a problem with optimistic locking, and it feels like a bug. Basically, our data model is like...


Cyclic references can't be saved (with auditing)

Using SDN 6 I have classes like abstract base class with auditing: public abstract class Node { @Id @GeneratedValue @Getter private Long id; @Version @Getter private Long version; @CreatedDate @Getter private LocalDateTime created; @CreatedB...

chris3 by Graph Buddy
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Resolved! Spring Data Neo4j with Kotlin relation example

So we are using Spring Boot 2.4.2 and a desktop project of 4.2.3 The application ... @SpringBootApplication @EnableNeo4jRepositories @Transactional class DemoApplication{ @Bean fun init (kennelRepository: KennelRepository, dogRepository:DogRe...

wayne by Node Clone
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Pass Neo4j Auth from Server to Client

Howdy, Using node.js and .ejs What is the best way to pass neo4j.driver auth info from server to client? I'm assuming this can be done? Here's what I have... server.js const driver = neo4j.driver('bolt://localhost:7687', neo4j.auth.basic('abc','123'...

keithave by Node Clone
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Swift Theo Driver 4.0 not connecting to bolt

I am attempting to connect to Neo4j 4.0 (both a desktop install and a Ubuntu (20.04) server install) using the latest Theo driver. Have read many threads and have checked all the key points are correct re changing neo4j.conf (default_listen_address ...

How to Pass Input Value into Cypher Query?

Please fwd this to a better category if necessary. I'm running nodejs and from an ejs page, I'm trying to send an input value into a Cypher query that will result in a vis.js display of a graph. Note : All javascript actions are taking place on the e...

keithave by Node Clone
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Neo4j Nextjs GRANDstack with or without graphql?

I am currently developing a next.js web app and was planning on following the GRANDstack documentation until the recent update. It turns out the update was a very massive change and is now in alpha. Would it be recommended to just use the javascript ...

ds1 by Node
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Grandstack - npm run seedDb - ECONNREFUSED

Hi! So I got this error using npm run seedDb in the Grand stack starter project: (base) Kaspers-MBP:api kasperknudsen$ npm run seedDb > grand-stack-starter-api@0.0.1 seedDb /Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api > babel-node src/seed/se...

Java Reactive Session

I am considering using the Reactive Sessions in my java application with Neo4j. I am using Neo4j 4.1 which supports multiple databases. With a synchronous session we can pass a SessionConfig that indicates the database to use for that session. In the...

SyntaxError py2neo match.first()

Hi! I'm trying to run this line of code using the py2neo library for Python: graph.nodes.match("x",id_=3).first() But then I get this SyntaxError: ClientError: SyntaxError: Invalid input '{': expected "+" or "-" (line 1, column 27 (offset: 26)) "MA...

C# to F# Neo4j.Driver

Hi All Please could someone help with the correct syntax for using the Neo4j.Driver for DotNet in F#. In C# I have this approach working well: var _driver = GraphDatabase.Driver("bolt://:" , AuthTokens.Basic("", "<password") , builder => builder.With...

darryl by Node Link
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