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Grandstack - npm run seedDb - ECONNREFUSED


So I got this error using npm run seedDb in the Grand stack starter project:

(base) Kaspers-MBP:api kasperknudsen$ npm run seedDb

> grand-stack-starter-api@0.0.1 seedDb /Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api
> babel-node src/seed/seed-db.js

ApolloError: Network error: request to http://localhost:4000/ failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
    at new ApolloError (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:92:26)
    at Object.error (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1329:28)
    at notifySubscription (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:134:18)
    at onNotify (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:165:3)
    at SubscriptionObserver.error (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:224:7)
    at /Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1106:37
    at Set.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.error (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1105:21)
    at notifySubscription (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:134:18)
    at onNotify (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:165:3) {
  graphQLErrors: [],
  networkError: FetchError: request to http://localhost:4000/ failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
      at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:1455:11)
      at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:210:5)
      at ClientRequest.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:476:20)
      at Socket.socketErrorListener (_http_client.js:406:9)
      at Socket.emit (events.js:210:5)
      at Socket.EventEmitter.emit (domain.js:476:20)
      at emitErrorNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:92:8)
      at emitErrorAndCloseNT (internal/streams/destroy.js:60:3)
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:80:21) {
    message: 'request to http://localhost:4000/ failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED',
    type: 'system',
    errno: 'ECONNREFUSED',
    code: 'ECONNREFUSED'
  message: 'Network error: request to http://localhost:4000/ failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED',
  extraInfo: undefined

Any tips?


Node Clone

What happens when you call http://localhost:4000/graphql in the browser?
Perhaps it's a problem with the port number.
What is the value of GRAPHQL_LISTEN_PORT in /api/src/.env ?


Changed it to 4001 since that's where I run [http://localhost:4001/graphql] and got this error instead..:

> babel-node src/seed/seed-db.js

ApolloError: Network error: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
    at new ApolloError (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:92:26)
    at Object.error (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1329:28)
    at notifySubscription (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:134:18)
    at onNotify (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:165:3)
    at SubscriptionObserver.error (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:224:7)
    at /Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1106:37
    at Set.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at Object.error (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1105:21)
    at notifySubscription (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:134:18)
    at onNotify (/Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/zen-observable/lib/Observable.js:165:3) {
  graphQLErrors: [],
  networkError: SyntaxError [ServerParseError]: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
      at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
      at /Users/kasperknudsen/grand-stack-starter-master/api/node_modules/apollo-link-http/node_modules/apollo-link-http-common/src/index.ts:131:23
      at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5) {
    name: 'ServerParseError',
    response: Response {
      size: 0,
      timeout: 0,
      [Symbol(Body internals)]: [Object],
      [Symbol(Response internals)]: [Object]
    statusCode: 404,
    bodyText: '<!DOCTYPE html>\n' +
      '<html lang="en">\n' +
      '<head>\n' +
      '<meta charset="utf-8">\n' +
      '<title>Error</title>\n' +
      '</head>\n' +
      '<body>\n' +
      '<pre>Cannot POST /</pre>\n' +
      '</body>\n' +
  message: 'Network error: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0',
  extraInfo: undefined

Node Clone

To my understanding, the relevant entries in your .env file should look like this:


The /graphql part should not be omitted. The seedDB.js script reads this value:

const client = new ApolloClient({
  link: new HttpLink({ uri: process.env.GRAPHQL_URI, fetch }),
  cache: new InMemoryCache()

Hope that helps. I had some problems with the seedDB part in the beginning also, but today everything runs smoothly.

Thanks for helping but ending up still getting the ECONNREFUSED error with all the corrections..

Node Clone

I could reproduce the ECONNREFUSED error when the api server was not running (if I didn't run 'npm start' in the /api directory).
Which version of neo4j are you using?

Actually solved it by re-clone the starter pack + re-installing npm.
Now my only problem is that I can't get the data from seedDb visually in Neo desktop.

tl;dr - (example solution at bottom) : change the direction "OUT" and "IN" by removing the quotes around them in the api>src>schema.graphql file

So I was having the same error as well :

Error: Error: request to failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED

as well as this:

19:51:40 React | [HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /graphql from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:4001/graphql (ECONNREFUSED) (

I had just installed using yarn and followed directions to cd myMyNewApp and npm run start (also tried yarn run start) , opened new terminal and cd to api directory then npm run seedDB. Based on the link in the error message, this is my issue:

ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. This usually results from trying to connect to a service that is inactive on the foreign host.

HOWEVER - the working solution I found on a random site was this:

... remove the quotes around IN and OUT and you should be fine. PR that made the change -> Don't use string for relationship direction in relation directive · neo4j-graphql/neo4j-graphql-js@c...

So, your relation ship should NOT look like this: @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: " OUT " ) But rather like this: @relation(name: "IN_GENRE", direction: OUT)

link to the site I found this solution : Error in version 2.19.1, GraphQLError: Argument "direction" has invalid value "OUT" - neo4j-graphql-...

Hope this helps!

Hi @Schmarj3 , am I understanding correctly that you had the same problem specifically with npm seedDb or npm start after running create-grandstack-app?

I am having the same problems reported above. Updating the schema does seem to help with the error you report, but the original problem of the refused connection continues.

Interestingly, I notice that in the link you give to where you found the solution they are discussing moving from neo4j-graphql.js version 2.18.0 to 2.19.1. But the current create-grandstack-app is using 2.14.2, so I am surprised that we are still experiencing that problem.

Hi @yyakovson613. Yes, for all of the installs that I have done in the past two weeks (except for today), removing the quotes from all the schema directions worked for me. The only other time I had and slight issue was switching from sandbox to a local db instance. But that was because I didn't update the env file correctly.

Just installed the web-react version again to see if I missed anything else I might have done and created a blank local db instance v4.1.3 - but the first error I got was a vue error:

09:00:02 api |   throw err;
09:00:02 api |   ^
09:00:02 api | 
09:00:02 api | Error: Cannot find module '@vue/compiler-dom'
09:00:02 api | Require stack:

ran the following which worked

npm i @vue/compiler-dom

but now the module error is about postcss. Was hoping to reconstruct the ECONNREFUSED error but will have to wait.