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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Custom parametrized queries in SDN6

Hi, in SDN6 Repository, I was trying to write parametrized queries like the one below: @Query("MATCH (person: Person)-[:IS_CHILD_OF*\$degree]->(relative: Person) " + "WHERE id(person) = \$personId " + "RETURN relative") fun getRelativesByDegre...

Resolved! Python neo4j driver get result from

Hi, I am using python to populate and drop data on neo4j with neo4j-python. While dropping the nodes, I'm running a query like: call apoc.periodic.iterate("MATCH (n {data_source:'APAC'}) return n", "DETACH DELETE n", {batchSize:10000}) yield batches...

Autogenerate Multiple labels from schema

Hello everybody, I am a software ingineer working with the INRAE (National French Institute for agroecologics) and i am willing to integrate a neo4j database to handle ontology driven data. I am currently prototyping a appollo graphql CRUD using neo4...

Creating serial number outside current transaction

Users are importing materials to my Neo4j db and a compact permanent id must be created for each node. I have a SerialNo node where the next number is available. The problem is the long transaction. If I update the SerialNo node in the transaction, ...

jpek-m by Node Link
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Inheritance in SDN6

Hi, I have a small inheritance problem in Spring Data Neo4j 6.1.4. Notification is an abstract class and RequestNotification is one of the supertypes. interface NotificationRepository : Neo4jRepository<Notification, Long> { fun findByNotificationI...

Spring Data Neo4j RX Blocks on Projection

Hello, I am using BlockHound library to check blocking code. BlockHound marks ClassReader is blocking This is my cypher query with projection I am using; Spring boot 2.5.6 spring-data-neo4j 6.1.6 Do you have any suggestions to make it non-blocking...

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Resolved! Logical cyclic mapping dependency

Hi, yesterday I ran into a problem while creating an account in the application I'm currently developing. The console log says: The node with id 5 has a logical cyclic mapping dependency. Its creatio...


How to make a table of result?

Below is a sample code from @mdfrenchman in the thread Response in the form of table/columns + data instead of records. But when I change the query to MATCH (n) RETURN it returns nothing. Does anyone have a working code that is willing to shar...

Ooker by Node
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