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About the Drivers & Stacks category

All applications using Neo4j depend on drivers to execute statements to update or query data. Neo4j drivers are mostly built on the binary Bolt protocol. Official drivers exist for Java, JavaScript, .Net, Python, and Go and more. Other languages (R, ...

yolande by Community Team
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Resolved! Using 'WITH' in JS Driver to unpack JSON up to Aura server

Hi all, So I have an Aura pro server and want to upload a block of JSON data we're generating up to it. My little Node app, whilst generating this JSON, holds it in state, so I figured it would be simple enough to use the JS driver to send that up to...

mikeM by Node Link
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Dynamically filling in label in a query gives an error

In the query below I am passing in two strings, $node and $targetlabel. The first one works, the second creates an error. query := `MATCH ({name:$node})-[e]-(n:$targetlabel) RETURN DISTINCT as name, n.detail as detail, TYPE(e) as link` rec...

Resolved! Accessing Neo4j using py2neo

I have tried accessing my neo4j graph database through Jupyter Notebook and VSCode using both py2neo and GraphDatabase drivers. Somehow it always says connection not found. I am using Neo4j desktop, and starting the local dbms and neo4j browser. Whe...

Desktop neo4j uri format

Hello All, How to connect to neo4j desktop db in an JavaScript express app? what is the uri of the desktop db in the below snippet? Also after initializing the session in a express js module how to use it in another module? const driver =

Relation Hops

Hi there, We are migrating from sdn 5.3.x to 6.2. Many related domain entities do have a relation back to the source nodes For example (User)-[:IS_MEMBER]->(Community)<-[:CREATED_BY]-(User) @Node(primaryLabel = "Community") @SuperBuilder @NoArgsConst...

ms007 by Node Link
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SDN 6.2 RelationshipModel

Hi there, We are migrating from sdn 5.3 to sdn 6.2 We have a Graph Entity, where we need to pull nodes and edges from the db. @Data @Builder @NoArgsConstructor @AllArgsConstructor public class GraphQueryResult { List<Node> nodes; List<Relati...

ms007 by Node Link
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SDN 6.2 Abstract Base Class / @Id Property

Hi there, We are having a hard time upgrading from sdn 5.3.x to 6.2. Our entities are inherited from a base domain object: @SuperBuilder @NoArgsConstructor public abstract class BaseDomainObject { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = StringUuidStra...

ms007 by Node Link
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