Hey there
Given a hierarchical graph we search for nodes that contains a specific title and we only need the terminating nodes (nodes that do not have children with matching title)
You may take this simplyfied graph
MERGE (:KnowledgeEntry {title: "Ko...
Hi there,
We are migrating from sdn 5.3.x to 6.2.
Many related domain entities do have a relation back to the source nodes
For example (User)-[:IS_MEMBER]->(Community)<-[:CREATED_BY]-(User)
@Node(primaryLabel = "Community")
Hi there,
We are migrating from sdn 5.3 to sdn 6.2
We have a Graph Entity, where we need to pull nodes and edges from the db.
public class GraphQueryResult {
List<Node> nodes;
Hi there,
We are having a hard time upgrading from sdn 5.3.x to 6.2.
Our entities are inherited from a base domain object:
public abstract class BaseDomainObject {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = StringUuidStra...
Do you think the returned KnowledgeEntries from line 1 could somehow be reused in the WHERE clause on line 3.
Like this there will be another database hit to load the same nodes.
Or is this just how it is.
Only the yellow ones.
Found a solution:
MATCH (n:KnowledgeEntry) WHERE n.title CONTAINS 'Talent'
(n)<-[:IS_PART*]-(m:KnowledgeEntry) WHERE m.title CONTAINS 'Talent'
Do you know how the repetitive CONTAINS part could be ...
Thank you Cobra for the quick reply.
Unfortunately this returns only two of the three yellow nodes.
The yellow node with the title 'Talent Programme' (path on the left in the screen shot) is not returned because it has a child element.
How to modify ...