
In Neo4j 4.0, Cypher introduced the pipelined runtime to optimize query planning. In 4.1, we have added even more READ operators to the pipelined Cypher runtime. These new operators include:

  • NestedPlanExpression

  • OptionalExpandAdd

  • OrderedAggregation

  • PartialSort

  • PartialTop

  • RollUpApply

  • SemiApply

  • AntiSemiApply

  • Skip

  • Union

  • ValueHashJoin

That brings to a total of operators for pipelined runtime to 48 that we have implemented. We have just 8 operators that need to be implemented to fully support read in the pipelined runtime.

Pipelined read operators have improved READ performance by 11-50% in 4.1.

If you have extremely small queries (micro-second level), using slotted runtime will still be faster than pipelined.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at