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To manage a database, click the three-dots icon in the top right hand of the card and click Manage.

At the top of the screen, you will see the database name and an icon to signify its status. Directly underneath are three buttons to Start, Stop, or Restart the database.

The Open Folder button will open up the root folder for this database. The arrow icon to the right of this button will allow you to open up additional folders related to this database, for example the Plugins or Logs folders.

The Open Terminal button will open up a new terminal window in the root folder of the database.

Below these buttons are several tabs for information and settings.

The Details tab shows the description, version, and the status of your database along with some statistics for the database. When the database is running, it will also show port numbers and addresses needed to interact with the database (screenshot below).

The Logs tab will show all of the streaming log output from the database.

The Settings tab displays the configuration values for the database. These can be changed, if needed. Once changes are made, you can apply them, and Desktop will offer to restart the database (necessary for changes to take effect).

You can also search the settings in this tab by using Ctrl+F / Cmd+F (Mac).

On the Plugins tab, you can see what plugins are available (or you have installed) to use with Neo4j. Currently, Neo4j Desktop has plugins for APOC, GraphQL, and Graph Algorithms. Short descriptions of each are shown in the Neo4j Desktop pane. To add these functionalities, simply click Install and Restart for the plugin.

The Upgrade tab shows the list of all Neo4j versions, as well as the version this instance is currently running. To change the version, choose one from the list and click Upgrade to this version in the right pane.

The last tab is Administration. This tab just allows you to set a new password for your database.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at