Now that we tried a small search and altered the perspective, let us see how Bloom allows us to expand results without writing a different search.
Using our previous search for the Product nodes, we had one node selected to view its properties.
If you are starting in the middle of this guide…
You can open Bloom and type Product into the search bar and press the Enter key.
Zooming in a bit on the results, you can click on a node that interests you.
For this example, we have picked the product for Ipoh Coffee.
If we have more than one node selected, then we can click in a blank part of the scene to unselect everything, then click on the node we are interested in viewing.
Now, let us clear out all the other nodes that we are not interested in exploring, so we can focus on this node.
To do that, we can right-mouse click (keyboard:`ctrl/cmd key + click`) on the selected node, which opens an option menu.
We choose the Dismiss other nodes option from the list, and the other nodes (except our Ipoh Coffee ) node should disappear from our scene.
Next, we can expand this node to see all of the relationships it has with other nodes.
We right-click (keyboard:`ctrl/cmd key + click`) on the node to bring up the option menu again, then choose Expand . You can either expand by a specific relationship type, or you can expand all of the relationships.
You also see the number of nodes it will add to the scene in that option, so we know how much data we are adding and how many connections the node has. Select All .
We should now see a small graph around the product node of all of the relationships and nodes it is connected to.
All of the nodes match the colors from the legend, so we have some red nodes that are orders (28 of those), an orange node that is a supplier (1 of those), and a category node that is a product category (1 of those).
The scene also shows ids for each one of these nodes, so we can refer to our earlier step for altering the perspective to view other properties for the categories.
Taking it further…
you can continue to explore this section of the graph by expanding the Category node to see what other products are in that product category or by expanding a particular order to see which customer made the order and what (if any) other products were ordered with our Ipoh Coffee product.
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