I am running Store-util 3.5.20. against store size ~1TB.
i am noticing this everytime i run store util, compaction is getting stuck at 99% at this stage.
.................................................. 6774500000 / 6774780801 (99%) unused 6899...
Thanks, i will try this, but the problem with above statement is that it has fixed properties but i may have different set of properties, they vary from 6 to 30 columns, how can i can include them? any suggestion on that.
Also if i want to include al...
Header of CSV looks like below-
This is what i used to export the data. Same i tried to load the data. Load CSV works but i dont see any data.... where as import not even working.
WITH "MATCH (m:MTR) WHERE m.MR starts with '10432' return m" AS query
CALL apoc.export.csv.query(que...
I am using default delimeter i.e. comma. however i had tried with specifying also, but same error.
neo4j> CALL apoc.import.csv([{fileName: 'file:/test_exp.csv', labels: ['MTR']}], , {})
Failed to invoke procedure apoc.import.csv: Caused by: java.ut...