Registering a custom analyzer for phonetic search in Neo4j 4 | GraphAware
Phonetic matching attempts to match words by pronunciation instead of spelling. Words are typically misspelled and exact matches result in the...
Reactive data copy using Neo4j | GraphAware
The release of Neo4j 4.0 brought many improvements, one of them being areactive architecture across the stack, from query execution to clientdrivers. Bu...
Exploring The MET Art Collections with Hume #2 | GraphAware
In our last MET Art Collections post we ingested and processed part of a dataset containing more than 470,000 artworks from The Metropolitan Museum of A...
Exploring The MET Art Collections with Hume #1 | GraphAware
The Metropolitan Museum of Art recently published a dataset of more than 470,000 works of art under the CC-zero License. Representing such a collection ...
Insightful IT Operations with Hume | GraphAware
Graphs are a perfect fit for IT Operations. Right from dependency management to impact analysis and capacity to outage planning, the interconnectedness ...
You just need the Java Bolt driver
Since LOAD CSV is just Cypher, you'd use the driver as you would for any Cypher queries
Not aware of a Cypher query for this, but you can pick the right property to show for the labels that do not have a value displayed from the browser/Neo4j desktop browser
Hi @FourMoBro
What is row.tables? Is it the primary key of your t node?
MERGE (t:AXX {id:row.tables})
Is it the same as row.table_num in the previous
MERGE (t:AXX {id:row.table_num})
If not, then you will get "duplicate" nodes.
No, moving the r.affinity filter to after the WITH will not make a difference because the relationships have already been expanded into. If you know for a fact that it would be cheaper to expand from t to s then perhaps you can play with some hints ...