Given nodes (a:NodeA)-[r:hasCapability]->(b:NodeB) can a DTO class based projection use classes to describe NodeA and NodeB or must the DTO class be a single class and only contain primitive types when using a custom @Query?
public class NodeA {
Is there a way to use findBy.. to retrieve a subset of a graph model based on a relationship property value?
Example: Given nodes A, B. A is related to node B by R. R has a r.type property. The following model classes exist. A and B are @Node cla...
I’m using Spring Boot with Neo4j. I’m able to specify several @RequestParam parameters in my controller. And, in my repository, I’m able to build @Query cypher statements and return specific custom query results.
I would like to create dynamic qu...
I did notice I misspelled "capability" in a couple of locations. I don't think this matters - I'm asking about the concept in general. I don't see a way to go back and edit my information I posted.
I tested this query and it worked. It is similar to the suggested query with different parameters.
@Query( "MATCH (t:Test) " +
" WHERE ( = {name} or {name} is null) " +
" AND (t.nodeId = {nodeId} or {nodeId} is null) " +
"RETURN id(t) AS i...