I just started using neo4j and I have some doubt on how should I model a users->post->comments schema....actually I did something like this:
type User {
uuid: ID!
username: String
posts: [Post] @relation(name: "HAS_POSTS", direction: "OU...
I've searched around different site but I have not found a solution yet, I have this kind of schema:
type Friendship @relation(name: "FOLLOW") {
from: User
to: User
timestamp: Int
type User {
uuid: ID!
email: String
username: String
ok, understood....probably I need to study a bit more !
Actually I was thinking that giving some more info the query would be faster
many thanks for both of you
ok many thanks, just a question, shouldn't be something like this?
MATCH (p:Post)<-[:HAS_POSTS]-(u:User { uuid = $cypherParams.user.uuid }) WHERE p.uuid = post.uuid
SET p += post
using the label too
many thnaks both! yes I read it but is a bit different, my problem is not to create roles/scope but to define the ownership of the node and let only the owner edit this node...