Hey @anu1nh2! In the near future, we are looking to save node positions of your current Scene (no more scrambling around your restored Scene). We are also looking to add a way to Save Scenes, so that you can revisit any Scene of interest.
Hello @spsingh559 !
There is a workaround:
Create a Search phrase from the Perspective drawerAdd this as the Cypher:
CALL db.schema.visualization() YIELD nodes, relationships
UNWIND nodes as node
with node, relationships
WHERE apoc.node.labels(node) ...
Hello @ali.gangji @bruce!
Currently, there is no way of doing this using Bloom UI. But we are planning on adding "Export as PNG" as a feature in the near future.
Hey @bendik.balstad.deraa!
Yes, thanks for this request. We are ironing out the design at the moment, so it is our intention to enable this capability to Bloom somewhat soon.
Sebastian Wictorin - Product Design, Bloom