Thanks it worked. I used the exact versions you mentioned without issues. Was able to run both the deepgl and deepWalk -- now proceeding with other steps.
Does this mean that to use the latest Neo4j 3.58 the ml-models library nee...
I am trying to follow this article https://tbgraph.wordpress.com/2018/10/17/feature-extraction-on-a-peer-to-peer-network-with-deepgl-embedding-and-neo4j/
algo.pagerank works
When i do deepgl as mentioned in the article
CALL embedding.deepgl("Host","...
You could follow this to install docker on ubuntu -
I am suspecting that the warnings are due to the fact that i ...
I had the exact same issue with Neo4j desktop. So as suggested i switched to running this as a Docker container -- This works
I am now able to see the below procedures when i do -- CALL dbms.procedures()