I am trying to look for transaction logs in the sandbox environment. A) Is it possible to get them? B) If so, where might I have to look for them.
Thanks in advance.
I am trying to run this tutorial. Predictions - Using a Machine Learning Workflow for Link Prediction
In this section where I have to run this code
test_missing_links = graph.run("""MATCH (author:Author)WHERE (author)-[:CO_AUTHOR_LATE]-()MATCH (autho...
In addition to calling it DISPATCH instead of DETACH you have a missing "}"
Try this query and see if it helps
MATCH (a:Actor {name:'Emil Eifrem'})
You can try putting properties on the relations. Then you could use
MATCH (e:person {name:'Charlie'})
MATCH(c:location {name:'Ft Campbell'})
MERGE(e)-[rel:ASSIGNED {start_year:1992, end_year:1998}]->(c);
Then if you want to check if Charlie was...