Hi @andrea1
It seems artifacthub.io is unable to pick the metadata file from helm.neo4j.com thus its unable to mark the charts as "verified publisher" . Due to this we wont be able to update the url to helm.neo4j.com .
The github pages url points to ...
Hi @andrea1
The artifact hub issue is resolved now.
The URL is the github repo pages link and is correct...however I will check and see if we can update this to the same helm.neo4j.com
However ,
Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: failed to download "neo4j/neo4j-standalone"
Hi @Andrea1
Thanks for pointing out the artifacthub issue to us. We acknowledge it and the fix is in progress as we speak. The reason why the artifacthub is thro...
Hi Brian,
Thanks for bringing this to our notice.
We are in process of adding nodeselector feature to our helm charts. Once the feature is ready we will be definitely updating the documentation with the same.
Thanks for reporting this to us. Apprecia...
Hi Gabriel,
Thanks for reporting the issue to us.
We have taken a look and we were able to reproduce the same. The issue is occurring since the default instance type of GKE "e2-medium" is not sufficient to schedule a Neo4j Pod . We had encountered a ...