hi i'm new to Neo4j i have trouble generating model.
Database - it's a CSV -
Link a CSV
Model -
link a arrows model
The code I use to generate the model
// Create unique property constraint
// Replace:
// 'LabelName' with node label
// 'propertyK...
Thanks Dana!!!! So the query goes like this?
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///usu_hogar_T221.csv' as row
CREATE (hogar:CODUSU {Id: row.CODUSU})
CREATE (Tipo_vivienda:IV1 { Id: row.IV1, ambientes: row.IV2, Pisos_Inte...
Dear Dana, thank you very much for your reply !!!! It is not possible to execute the query
Executing queries that use periodic commit in an open transaction is not possible.