Hi all, I'm having problems when trying to only return 1 node when using UNWIND.
UNWIND [ 1, 2, 3 ] as id
OPTIONAL MATCH (client:Client)-[:CLIENT_FOR]->(l:Letter) WHERE l.id = id
RETURN client.name
In some cases, a letter may have more than...
Hi all, I've actually been using Neo4J Enterprise at our company for a couple of years and even used Desktop locally. I thought I would upgrade my local Desktop installation over the weekend to V4 to try a few things but was unable to get APOC adde...
Thanks Omer that worked! Here is the final result
UNWIND [ 1, 2, 3 ] as id
MATCH (:Client)-[r:CLIENT_FOR]->(l:Letter) WHERE l.uuid = id
WITH l, COLLECT(id(r))[0] AS rid
MATCH (c:Client)-[r:CLIENT_FOR]->(l:Letter) WHERE id(r) = rid
RETURN c.name;
Hi there.. the LIMIT param just truncates the list.
For example if each letter has 2 clients (total 6 clients) the LIMIT 3 will probably select 2 clients from letter 1 and 1 client from letter 2.
I want one client for each letter even if they all ha...
Thanks for the repsonse.. Unfortunately, that generated a Neo.DatabaseError.Statement.ExecutionFailed!
[Neo.DatabaseError.Statement.ExecutionFailed]: null, reference e73288e4-a00a-4d1d-ae32-b5558a452cba.org.neo4j.fabric.executor.FabricException
I ope...