I have Neo4j Enterprise installed on GCE and also Desktop. How do I connect remotely to the GCE instance from the desktop? I try using the browser URI with bolt port but the instance is not configured and it doesn't appear that I can access the dbm...
I have a CSV file with 2 columns, 1 with latitude and 1 with longitude. I want to create a node with a point type property using the Cypher LOAD CSV command. How do I structure the script?
I installed Neo4j on Google Kubernetes successfully but am unable to connect to it via Neo4j browser with either http or https. Followed https://github.com/neo-technology/neo4j-google-k8s-marketplace/blob/master/user-guide/USER-GUIDE.md#neo4j-on-goo...
Thanks for the reply David.
I confirmed that I am performing the steps you suggest:
I use the External IP reported in the GCE Dashboard: bolt://xx.xxx.xxx.xx:7687. The https version of this URI works in my Chrome browserCredentials are correct and ...
Yes. Reply is Connected to Neo4j 3.5.1 at bolt://[xxx]-neo4j.default.svc.cluster.local:7687 as user neo4j.The web browser. Never get to the neo4j browserConfirmed. All firewall and anti-virus is disabled.Reply to curl:
Hi David. Sorry for the slow reply. I wanted to go through all the documentation again to make sure I: 1) understand what I'm doing, and 2) find where I am having trouble.
deployed on Google cloud marketplaceservices are happy and I can access the C...