Hey all, I'm trying to follow this talk by Will Lyon and Craig Taverner - I've loaded an OSM Map extract using this OSM Importer for Neo4j and have managed to construct the routing graph and the point-of-interest graph. I'm now attempting to route by...
Hey all,
Ever since I've upgraded Neo4j Desktop to 1.2.1 and Neo4j Bloom to 1.1.1, Neo4j Bloom has been stuck in the loading ("blooming") screen. Is anyone else facing this issue?
Correct me if I'm wrong but it sounds to me that you're trying to query a variable-length path. Assuming that you have the following graph, where the green nodes represent (:Stop) nodes with [:ROUTE] as its edges or relationships:
The following quer...
Hey munshine, welcome to Neo4j!
Yes, it is possible to have relationships of the same type from a single node. In fact, this is going to be how your graphs are modelled most of the time as it describes the relationship between your nodes. In this cas...
Hey all! Howie here. Presently integrating Neo4j into our solution stack for the region's mobility sector; pathfinding algorithms and all that good stuff. Glad to see Neo4j gaining some traction here in Malaysia!
I was needing to do the same for algo.ShortestPath.astar.stream and I came across the solution in the Cypher Projection documentation.
For your case, it would look something like this:
{graph: 'cypher', params: {rels: rels, nodes: nodes}, iterations:...
I'm not sure if this may be the cause, but I've noticed that the first two numbers of your Neo4j version (3.4.5) is different from that of your APOC release (
According to the APOC user guide,
Make sure that the first two version numbers m...