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09-17-2019 04:07 AM
Hey all, I'm trying to follow this talk by Will Lyon and Craig Taverner - I've loaded an OSM Map extract using this OSM Importer for Neo4j and have managed to construct the routing graph and the point-of-interest graph. I'm now attempting to route by running the following query (essentially calling algo.shortestPath.astar.stream
as mentioned in the talk):
MATCH (a:PointOfInterest) WHERE a.name = 'from_this_location'
MATCH (b:PointOfInterest) WHERE b.name = 'to_this_location'
CALL algo.shortestPath.astar.stream(a,b,'distance','lat','lon',{relationshipQuery:'ROUTE', nodeQuery:'Routable', direction:'BOTH', defaultValue:1.0})
YIELD nodeId, cost
MATCH (n) WHERE id(n)=nodeId
RETURN COLLECT({lat:n.location.latitude, lon:n.location.longitude}) AS route
However, the following error is returned:
Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureCallFailed: Failed to invoke procedure `algo.shortestPath.astar.stream`: Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
I've tried this on the following docker images to no avail:
Any idea what may be the issue - am I missing something or is this likely a bug?
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