Hello everyone
I want to create/drop a database from my python app. How can I do it?
I tried the following but it fails to do.
with driver.session(database='system') as session_1:
t_1 = session_1.begin_transaction()
result = t_1.run('''CREATE...
I'm connecting to the server via bolt. I need to delete all nodes and relations then create a new graph.
Once I run
with driver.session() as session:
session.run("""CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('MATCH (n) RETURN n', 'DETACH DELETE n', {batchSize:10...
Hello all,
I'm trying to modify a code by Michael Hunger. What I want is to add a sentence number to each word.
{text} is a list of words.
S is initialized by 1 and it will be used to update the sentence number.
If the current WORDS[i] is a dot (full...
Thank you for your reply. I have tried apoc.periodic.iterate and still having the same issue. My nodes are very small.
I have a deleting lines at the beginning of my application and at the last I call a user-defined procedure (which uses the same db...