Hi Team,
We are facing issue while trying to connect Neo4j ( version 4.1.1) from .Net application ( .Net framework 4.7.2). The driver version is 4.2.37. We have taken those drivers and .Net code by referring below site.
Neo4j Graph...
I have a requirement to read and write data based on multiple conditions for node. for example
if p.all_friends="Y" then "match (f:Employee)-[rel:FRIEND_WITH]-(e)" then "MERGE (p)<-[:CREATED_POST]-(f)
if p.all_colleagues="Y" then "match(e)-[rel:REPOR...
I have a requirement to get direct employee count and total employee count of an org for a manager. the same can be achieved by using cypher match and with clause. This data updated in every 1 hour and there is huge number of records. So here direct...
Michael, Thank you for solution.
Here for shortest path i am getting below error.
The shortest path algorithm does not work when the start and end nodes are the same. This can happen if you
perform a shortestPath search after a cartesian product that...
Hi Michale,
Thank you for the reply.
The below is my cypher query where i got all direct report and all report to for all the manager.
match(e:Employee)-[:REPORTS_TO]->(m:Employee) with m,count(e) as direct_reportees match (all:Employee)-[:REPORTS_TO...