Without using search phrases, for showing "all movies in which Tom Hanks acted, released after 2005", you can set in the search input (or in the search parameter in the deep link) "Tom Hanks acted in Movies". That, should return all the movies Tom Ha...
You can use search phrases titles in deep links. For example, if you create a search phrase with the title "Get all movies" then in the search parameter in the deep link you can have search=Get all movies.
About the second, if you type all movies whe...
About your first question, currently we don't have this feature but we are planning to look at auto-running the query for the next release.
About the second, if you search for "movies Tom Hanks acted" you will get a match. The part including the cond...
Hi Emile,
You can check here for further information on the deep linking in bloom.
For searches of type property-value you can use the format (label or category) property_name property_value. For example, if you search for Person (category or label) ...