A query that works just fine in the neo4j desktop browser does not return the expected results when ran through graphql and apoc procedures.
Here is my schema in graphql
byParent(id: Int): [movie]
statement: "MATCH (m...
I opened this up and I can see that it is coming through the customQuery() in neo4j-graphql-js/dist/translate.js where the query is formed. I am not very familiar enough with Neo4j to know how to handle this in a scalable manner but would love to get...
I am now using neo4j-graphql-js@2.1.0 but generated APOC query is the same and still no results back.
WITH apoc.cypher.runFirstColumn("MATCH (movie:movie)-->(c:movie) WHERE ID(movie)=$id RETURN c", {id:$id}, True) AS x UNWIND x AS `movie`