MATCH (g1:Perception_Group)-[s:SEQUENCE*3]-(g2:Perception_Group)
WHERE g1=g2
RETURN g1,g2,s LIMIT 1
Hey @a10554, try to use a directional relationship. Maybe because of the bidirectional relationship you are not getting the desired a...
Hey @and.manousakis, may be this will help you :
Explanation of error "WebSocket connection failure. Due to security constraints in your web browser, the reason for the failure is not available to this Neo4j Driver Browser
Hey @sivakura, why don't you create node for the rating object. Like,
(User)<-[:From]-(Rating {comments : info})-[:To]->(Object).
And for conversation create a new relation of reply which store the time stamp of the reply time, so you can sort conver...