I am getting the following error whenever I want to restart a neo4j database.
And the log file looks as follows:
2020-06-10 12:39:27.159+0000 ERROR Failed to start Neo4j: Starting Neo4j failed: Component 'org.neo4j.server.database.LifecycleMa...
I am trying to create a relationship between two existing nodes. I am reading the node ID's from a CSV and creating the relationship with the following query:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///8245.csv" AS f
MATCH (Ev:Event) where id(Ev) =f....
I am trying to send data from a CSV file to apoc query in python.
My query looks like follows:
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("MATCH(n:Entity{EntityType:'Configuration_Item', Name:$CI_name}) --(ev:Event)--(c:Co...
Thank you so much @intouch.vivek! But I solved my problem. So, I again queried for the ID(node) and this time I exported them as a string (by using toString(ID(node)) ). Then while loading to the database, I converted them to Integer. The query is a...
Yeah, I am using id(Ev) in terms of property id value which is given by DB. True id does not come, but I queried it and in my CSV I have id(node) values which are columns first and second. That is why I want to create a new relationship depending on ...
Hello @intouch.vivek,
Thank you for your reply!
I do not understand why I should Merge, I should use Match because I am not creating new nodes, my nodes are already existing in the database
Also, `(Ev:Event{ID:f.first }) will not work because I do ...
Thank you so much! That solved my problem!
I changed the code as following:
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("MATCH(n:Entity{EntityType:'Configuration_Item'}) --(ev:Event)--(c:Common)
where n.Name='%s'...