Based on the available information i have a solution. I have considered the following database structure:
Create (h1:HUMAN{gender:"Male", age:"43"})-[o:OWNS{since:"2021"}]->(p1:PROPERTY{type:"Building", constructedOn:"03-02-2020"}),
I have few questions:
Why are you using same label twice i.e. NodeInterface in the MATCH clause?The selection condition in the WHERE clause is used to filter the result set based on the condition that name associated with the node is group. al...
Hi Bill,
This link by @mark.needham can help you in solving the problem.
Hi Clem,
I think the solution of this problem can be solved by modifying the style.grass file in note pad and then dropping it in the browser. But i am not so sure. I was able to change the font of text stored inside the node but not the property val...